
Showing posts from December 10, 2018

Ife is the spiritual capital of the Yoruba people.

Ife (city, Nigeria), also called Ile-Ife, city in southwestern Nigeria, in Osun State. Cacao, oil palm, yams, cassava, and corn are grown in the surrounding area. The chief industries in Ife include cocoa and palm processing, cotton weaving, and sawmilling. Obafemi Awolowo University (1961), a museum of Yoruba art, and the museum of the Institute of African Studies are located here. Ife is the spiritual capital of the Yoruba people. According to legend, it was founded by Oduduwa, the creator of humankind. From as early as the 12th century, the city’s artisans crafted fine, naturalistic cast-bronze and terra-cotta heads that are world-renowned for their beauty. Ife is the site of the palace of the Oni, one of the chief leaders of the traditional Yoruba religion. The city was destroyed in 1849 and rebuilt in 1882. Population (1995 estimate) 289,500.
Indicative: Present: I abase you abase he/she/it abases we abase you abase they abase Past: I abased you abased he/she/it abased we abased you abased they abased Present Perfect: I have abased you have abased he/she/it has abased we have abased you have abased they have abased Pluperfect: I had abased you had abased he/she/it had abased we had abased you had abased they had abased Future: I will abase you will abase he/she/it will abase we will abase you will abase they will abase Future Perfect: I will have abased you will have abased he/she/it will have abased we will have abased you will have abased they will have abased Conditional: Present: I would abase you would abase he/she/it would abase we would abase you would abase they would abase Past: I would have abased you would have abased he/she/it would have abased we would have abased you would have...




Crazy Hot Asians! A chili-eating contest asks competitors to eat as many extremely spicy chilies as possible in a limited time in a hot spring also filled with red #chilies , Yinchun, east #China 's Jiangxi Province  

VATICANS ST PETERS SQUAREE ATICAN CITY, Dec 6 (Reuters) - The traditional nativity scene in St. Peter's Square won't be so traditional this year. For the first time, it is made of sand - 720 tons of it. For the past two weeks, Rich Varano, a professional sand artist, has been guiding three sculptors from the Netherlands, Russia and the Czech Republic, to craft the work, which measures about 18 feet high by 52 feet wide.