seven 7 Important questions
Some of the great questions men have always asks are, whatis the Creator like? What shall I do about my sins? How can I overcome temptation? How can I know God? What is the purpose of life? What lies beyond the grave for those who reject Jesus Christ? Is there really a Heaven? All these questions have been fully answered in God's written Word,the Bible and in the person of the lord Jesus Christ, who is the Living word of God. WHAT IS THE CREATOR LIKE? Jesus answered this question. He said, He that hath seen me, hath seen the father; (john 14:9). I and my father are one. (john10:30) when a man looked into the face of Jesus,he could say, I have seen God . Jesus was God appearing in human form. Jesus brought God down to men, and He lifted men up to God. WHAT SHALL I DO ABOUT MY SINS? I Heard a person make this confession on the radio. Many people live under the burden and guilt of sin. Friend, if your heart cries out in words like these, I have good news ...