‘Game of Thrones’ HBO hid around the world
Upcoming final season of Game of Thrones , which premieres on April 14. Those promotions include encouraging fans to go on a quest #ForTheThrone by searching for six of the series’ signature Iron Thrones that HBO has hidden in far-flung locations around the world. HBO posted a few 360-degree YouTube videos of the first hidden throne at https://www.forthethrone.com , which showed what appeared to be the throne hiding in a forest. Turns out, the mystery setting was an ancient wooded site in Gloucestershire, England, and it was found by these guys (who got a crown as a reward for their successful sleuthing): https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js Meanwhile, HBO is already teasing its next hidden throne, which has been squirreled away in the “North.” A vague reference, of course, but also one that’s highly relevant to Game of Thrones fans. Take a look for yourself and see if this locale looks familiar to you: [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oUciklA...