
Showing posts from May 1, 2019

Chinese photographer Jianhui Liao has been named as the overall winner of the Food Photographer of the Year 2019 contest.

Chinese photographer Jianhui Liao has been named as the overall winner of the Food Photographer of the Year 2019 contest.  Noodle feast scoops top prize Image copyright Liao's photo (above), entitled Cauldron Noodles, shows a celebration of the goddess Nuwa in Shexian County in the Hebei Province, China. As part of the annual festivity, villagers wear Qing Dynasty costumes to celebrate Nuwa's birthday and eat pots of noodles at noon. Competition adjudicator Andy Macdonald presented Liao with the £5,000 prize money. Macdonald said of the image: "It stood out from the rest in its category for the way in which [Liao] made the subject matter, a community feast, so beautiful and atmospheric.

‘Game of Thrones' : kill count of Arya Stark

Arya Stark has become one of the most ruthless killers in Westeros. For the last eight seasons of “Game of Thrones,” she’s been driven by revenge, even keeping a list of people she means to make suffer for what they’ve done to House Stark. Now in Season 8, with the powers of the Faceless Men in her repertoire, she’s become a seriously formidable assassin. Here’s everybody who’s died by Arya’s hand, through the Battle of Winterfell. Stable boy (Season 1) Arya’s first kill was almost accidental. She used needle to stab an unnamed Stable Boy as she was fleeing the Red Keep, just as Lannister soldiers were rounding up and executing all House Stark’s people in King’s Landing. Kill count: 1 The Tickler (Season 2) After she saves Jaqen H’ghar’s life (along with two others, who will come up later), the Faceless Man offers Arya a repayment: Name three people, and Jaqen will kill them. The first name she gives him is the Tickler, the torturer at Lannister-occupied Harrenhal. Jaqen brea...

Former US president Barack Obama and his wife Michelle are producing for Netflix an adaptation of Michael Lewis's book "The Fifth Risk,"

Former US president Barack Obama and his wife Michelle are producing for Netflix an adaptation of Michael Lewis's book "The Fifth Risk," a critique of Donald Trump's rise to power. The video-on-demand platform announced a year ago that the former first couple had entered into a multi-year agreement to produce films and series with Netflix. On Tuesday, Netflix unveiled the initial projects for Higher Ground Productions, Obama's production company in partnership with the streaming service. Among them is the adaptation of Lewis's book in "non-fiction" form, Netflix said in a statement. The series "will aim to portray the importance of unheralded work done by everyday heroes guiding our government and safeguarding our nation," it said. Several of Lewis's books have already been adapted for cinema, including "The Big Short: Inside the Doomsday Machine." His latest work, published last year, describes the inner working...